Substation in a Box - SEL

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Our Equipment
Sponsors SEL
Jess Smith
Team Name Sub Squad
Duration Fall 2015 - Spring 2016
Faculty Advisors Dr. Feng Li
Dr. Brian Johnson
Students David Daigle
Joe Ferguson
Brian Hayes
Robert Roman

The goal of this project is to build an interactive demo unit for Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Industrial Control System security classes. The end product will be a simple substation with an easy to read visualization that responds to a variety of security scenarios.

Problem Statement[edit | edit source]

SEL needs a portable traveling case containing substation components with a clear visualization built into the demo unit that makes it possible to show students in SELU courses both physical components and the logical impact of changes to the system.

Specifications[edit | edit source]

  • Small set of substation devices
  • Network
  • Human Machine Interface (HMI)
  • Portable
    • Rack-mount case
    • Wheels
    • 60lb weight limit

Project Learning[edit | edit source]

Project Learning Topics
Substation Design
  • Representative Designs
  • Human-Machine Interfaces (HMIs)
SEL Devices
SEL Software

Project Graphics[edit | edit source]

Communication Diagram
Simplified Network Diagram
The Human Machine Interface (HMI) in action

Team Information[edit | edit source]

David Daigle - EE
I am an electrical engineering student with an interest in power systems and related hardware. Apart from my academic pursuits, I have strong interests in the outdoors, travel, photography, and environmentalism. I chose this project to broaden my conception of industrial control and communication systems.
Joe Ferguson - CompE
I am a computer engineering major. I was a linguist in the United States Air Force in my first attempt at a career. I have been happily married for eight years and I have three children and three cats.
Brian Hayes - EE
I am a senior electrical engineering student and am emphasizing in industrial control systems. I have completed 3 internships with Bechtel Corporation, which builds large construction like power plants, oil refineries, airports, and more. My internships were at 3 different power plants, where I worked as an electrical field engineer, and a DCS startup engineer.

I am happily married of 3 years with a baby boy on the way. My wife is due in January.

Robert Roman - EE
I am currently an undergrad student at the university of Idaho, majoring in electrical engineering. My main interests are power systems and industrial control systems.

Document Archive[edit | edit source]

File:2016 ssiab meeting notes.pdf

File:2016 ssiab tasklist.pdf